Ted Schuur und Arctic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ted Schuur)
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NCEAS Portrait: Ted Schuur Connects the Arctic to Our Everyday Lives

NCEAS Portrait: Ted Schuur Connects the Arctic to Our Everyday Lives

Arctic to Arizona: NAU professor explains how climate change affects...

· Ted Schuur, a professor at Northern Arizona University, was a lead ... Ted Schuur collects frozen soil samples from permafrost to determine ...

A bold plan to slow the melt of Arctic permafrost could help reverse...

In a tiny corner of the Siberian Arctic, Russian scientists are working to forestall global climate catastrophe by restoring the Ice Age ecosystem.

NAU Ecologist Shares Permafrost Prediction

An article by NAU researcher Ted Schuur discusses how the release of carbon stored in the soil of the thawing Arctic tundra has the potential for speeding up cl