Teddy Award und Lgbt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Teddy Award)
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Christine Vachon Wins Special Teddy Award at Berlin Film Festival | |...

The Teddy Award is an international film award for films with LGBT topics, presented by an independent jury as an official award of the Berlin ...

The Out Take: 10 Fantastic Teddy Award-Winning LGBT Films To Watch...

We break down ten great Tedd-award winning films that are available for streaming.

Queer Palm award at Cannes Global Campus of Human Rights

Along with Berlin's Teddy Award and Venice's Queer Lion, the Queer Palm is a major international film award dedicated specifically for LGBT cinema at Cannes...

Bild.de: Teddy Award: Die große Party fällt aus – diesmal nur geladene Gästewww.bild.de › lgbt › lgbt › teddy-award-die-grosse-party-faellt-aus-diesma...

· Der Teddy Award wird seit 36 Jahren bei den Internationalen Filmfestspielen Berlin vergeben. Er kommt Filmen und Menschen zugute, „die Themen ...