That Of Person-Info 

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) There’s No Plan B for Europe's Future

[] us." Thus, the task at hand is that of finding new ways of working together. They wouldn’t … "Opposition in Russia is Like Roulette"

[] My position is closer to that of the Ukrainians. I think the annexation of Crimea is a crime, an act of aggression. But as a leftist, I also support the right of self-determination. In other words, there has to … The Fight for Athens

[] emotion in German politics was that of relief but, not even 48 hours after announcing the referendum, Volker Kauder, the head of the CDU and Christian Social Union (CSU … Why is Journalism in a credibility crisis?

[] but, to an even greater extent, that of confused and insulting comments that has gone sky-high. "On the Internet, there’s always someone shouting 'scandal, scandal,' – and finding like-minded people …
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