Thomas Bray Person-Info 

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Dow Jones Panel Sees No Misconduct at News Corp. U.S. Unit
[Bloomberg] standards of journalistic ethics are being met at the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires,” the committee said in a statement e-mailed late yesterday by its chairman, Thomas Bray, the former editorial page editor of the Detroit News.

Dow Jones panel concerned about hacking scandal
[Reuters] - Each member of the committee, chaired by Thomas Bray, is paid $ a year. The panel said it has no reason to believe that Hinton's departure was related to activities by the Wall Street Journal or Dow Jones "or that any of the London offenses or

Police chief quits, Brooks bailed
[New Zealand Herald] - Thomas Bray, chairman of the committee, said the group did not conduct an independent investigation to come to its conclusion. "All we can testify to is what has or has not come to our attention," Bray said when reached Saturday. "That's our function.

英竊聽風暴席捲 政警界皮皮挫
[中央通訊社] - 委員會主席布瑞(Thomas Bray)表示,委員會並未進行獨立調查。他說:「我們所能說明的,是已引起或沒引起我們注意的事,這才是我們的功能,我們並非警方。」 他也說,委員會充分了解「華爾街日報」部分員工,若發生電話竊聽或其他非法活動等體系問題,他「非常確定我們會
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