Thomas Monz und Quantum Person-Info 

( Ich bin Thomas Monz)
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Congratulations to PI Thomas Monz and Alpine Quantum Technologies GmbH
Two of the three company founders (Dr. Thomas Monz and Prof. Rainer Blatt) are part of the SFB BeyondC consortium. Read more on the FFG ...

PI Thomas Monz and the AQT together with the UIBK on evolving Quantum...
Quantum Computers by AQT and University of Innsbruck leverage

Quantum computer works with more than zero and one
21. Juli · “Quantum systems naturally have more than just two states and we showed that we can control them all equally well”, says Thomas Monz. On the flipside, many of the tasks that need quantum computers, such as problems in physics, chemistry, or material science, are also naturally expressed in the qudit language.

Quantencomputer lernt fehlerfrei Rechnen – Institute for Quantum …
Vefur26. maí · Dem Team um Thomas Monz vom Institut für Experimentalphysik der Universität Innsbruck und Markus Müller von der RWTH Aachen und dem …