Thorsten Schnorbus und Diesel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Thorsten Schnorbus)
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UPM BioVerno renewable diesel reduces tailpipe emissions
Our tests also showed good results in NOx emissions and efficiency", says Dr. Ing. Thorsten Schnorbus, Manager Passenger Car Diesel, FEV.

UPM BioVerno –diesel vähentää autoilun lähipäästöjä merkittävästi...
Testeissä saatiin hyviä tuloksia myös typenoksidipäästöissä ja tehokkuudessa”, sanoo Thorsten Schnorbus, FEV:in dieselhenkilöautoista ...

UPM BioVerno diesel found to reduce tailpipe emissionsBiofuels International
— Thorsten Schnorbus, manager passenger car diesel at FEV. BioVerno was also tested in University of Vaasa, Finland, ...

UPM BioVerno diesel found to reduce tailpipe emissions | Biofuels...
Our tests also showed good results in NOx emissions and efficiency", says Dr. Ing . Thorsten Schnorbus, manager passenger car diesel at FEV.