Tim Glum Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tim Glum)


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Mark Richens' Night Notes: Orgone at 1884, Jack Cooper's 'Mists'...

I didn't expect many people to show up on a cold, windy and icy Sunday night, but sure enough, a respectable turnout greeted the return of Orgone.

Latest News

As wqe get closer to the end we will post our playing schedule so you know where to go to pick up points. This week we did not play much but at Hulas Tuesday Charlotte did okay in the first game and I got a final 8 so those who were there at the end of both games got some points...Tim Glum was one and ...

New Blues and Soul News WTJU

... or Sean O'Shea (drums), Joel Bowers (sax), Darren Cardoza (trombone), Devin Williams (trumpet) and Dale Jennings or Tim Glum (bass).


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