Time The Person-Info 

( Ich bin Time The)


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zeit.de: Vera …na’s Lost Son

[zeit.de] end of the war. By the time the biography was published, the parents had already died as well: …n’s official father passed away in August 1999, with his official mother having died the year before. Instead, it is …n’s teacher from …

zeit.de: "I will stay here for as long as I am needed"

[zeit.de] heading. And almost from the time the wheels hit the tarmac at the airport …

zeit.de: The Business of the Caliph

[zeit.de] to stop the activities. By the time the oil reaches Beşaslan, nobody really knows where it actually originated. But the trail likely leads back to IS-held territories. At the same time the IS, for …

zeit.de: Soldier without a state

[zeit.de] same time the EU must address and invest in the stability of its periphery. Without the sturdy old crutch of historical analogy to lean on, the search for a path that is both right and true will be difficult. But the erosion of the old order and the …
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