Tobias Unruh und Tum Person-Info 

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TUM - Sebastian Busch (l) und Dr. Tobias Unruh vor dem...
Veraltete und falsche Seite melden. Die unter nachfolgender URL erreichbare Seite (Titel: Sebastian Busch (l) und Dr. Tobias Unruh vor dem Neutronenspektrometer TOFTOF …

Tobias Unruh nimmt Ruf an die Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg an - TUM...
Nach neun Jahren am FRM II wechselt Dr. Tobias Unruh jetzt an die Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg und übernimmt dort ...

A river of molecules | Biocat
Researchers Luis Carlo Pardo, of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), and Sebastian Busch, Christoph Smuda and Tobias Unruh, of the Technische Universität München (TUM), have published an article in Journal of the American Chemical Society in which they demonstrate that cell membrane molecules flow like a river current, and not chaotically, as scientists had previously …

Flowing together, instead of jumping alone - TUM FRMII
Tobias Unruh and Sebastian Busch now plan to study how the motion of the phospholipids changes when they mix in various substances. Such mixtures are used in drugs. Suitable additives can significantly increase the stability of the drugs. The two TUM scientists are most interested in how the phospholipid motions influence this stabilizing effect.