Tony Scott und Director Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tony Scott)
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Roberto Sosa, por el placer de actuar
[] - En tu carrera has estado bajo las órdenes de directores como Oliver Stone, John Huston, Tony Scott, Ripstein y hasta Sergio Goyri. Son muchos contrastes. — La vida es así de contrastante: el bien y el mal, lo blanco y lo negro, el Sol y la Luna.

Tom Cruise Top Gun sequel still getting mentioned
[FansShare] - It has previously been reported that Paramount Pictures has made an offer to director Tony Scott and producer Jerry Bruckheimer about returning for a Top Gun sequel but nothing has yet been agreed. It is also believed that Christopher McQuarrie was on

Google News: ´Top Gun´ at 25

[City Pulse] - We were the right writers, Tony Scott was the right director, Simpson and Bruckheimer were the right producers, and Cruise was the right star. All of those things came together at the exact time.” Epps said he and Cash wrote the screenplay with Cruise

Official: Director Tony Scott left notes in car, office before his...
Film director Tony Scott left notes in his car and office before plunging to his death from the Vincent Thomas Bridge in San Pedro, California, ...