Tora Hsu Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tora Hsu)


4 CHAIRS THEATRE《We are Ghosts》 │ National Performing Arts Center...
The National Taichung Theater is not just a building that houses the opera. The entire architecture itself is an opera. One can feel the flow of air, sound and...

國家表演藝術中心國家兩廳院:2017TIFA 四把椅子劇團 x 簡莉穎《叛徒馬密可能的回憶錄》 The Possible Memoirs...
  疾病王國子民的日常合聲  後雞尾酒療法時代的群像  兩廳院「藝術基地計畫」駐館藝術家簡莉穎經過一年多HIV的相關田野調查,完成了《叛徒馬密可能的回憶錄》,藉由書寫同志、愛滋病歷史,
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