Name-Verzeichnis - Name / Person-Info zu "Tuuli"

Personen mit dem Nachnamen "Tuuli"

Infos zu "Tuuli"

Zu Tuuli gibt es bei Yasni 3 unterschiedliche Namen.

Tuuli ist in der Rangreihe der häufigsten Nachnamen bei Yasni auf Platz 2425.

Bedeutung von "Tuuli"

Tuuli is wind in finnish language. It is also a family and first female name in Finland Family name is protected by the Tuuli Family Society (Tuulen sukuseura ry). The society has made a full genealogical study comprising 330 years and 13 generations with all famliies and people with name Tuuli All known people in Finland and overseas having this name belong to this family The history of name goes back to 1571. Society has published the family book "Tuulen tiellä" (Going Tuulis way) and has a Tuulis song, family sign and family flagg There are 220 people in Finland having family name Tuuli.. The famile originates from Koivisto Carelia (now Primorsk in Russia) where Tuulis were small ship owners, sailors and fishermen mostly Raimo Tuuli

(Eingesendet von Raimo Tuuli)

Wichtige Personen: Heute - Übersicht / Namen: Heute - Übersicht