David Vílchez Cobos Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Vílchez Cobos)


(1 - 4 von 10

Lampkin's trial decider | Bradford Telegraph and Argus

Dougie Lampkin crashed with David Cobos in an arena trial deciding race last week in Italy.

Judge Cobos shaves off beard for charity

Cobos made the challenge of $5,000 to trim his beard, $10,000 to keep his mustache or...

Judge Pushes Teens From Truancy to Triumph - ABC News

Texas Judge David Cobos uses special methods to change lives. By PIERRE THOMAS, JACK DATE and THERESA COOK. December 22,

David Cobos To Ferrari - UK Trials Talk - Trials Centralwww.trialscentral.com › UK Forums › UK Trials Talk

I see David Cobos is now racing Ferraris. It must be one hell of a come down from riding for Montesa but I wish him all the best. CK.
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