Shayne Vh Ward Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shayne Vh Ward)


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Shayne Ward on his pop comeback and his special lockdown treat for...
The former Corrie and X Factor star was encouraged by Philomena to release a fundraising song for the NHS

Shayne Ward on new single and the X Factor - BBC News
Shayne Ward talks about the development of his new album and how there were no gimmick acts when he was on X Factor.

Guardian: Shayne Ward - If It's OK With You | Music | The Guardian

He's back - from the weights room, and from the R&B School Of Caressing Invisible Laydeez. And of all of it's OK with me, but why has he let the Smurfs...

Former Coronation Street star Shayne Ward making music › news › Former-Coronation-...
· Former Coronation Street star Shayne Ward making music return - The Number One music magazine feat. band & artist news, reviews, interviews, ...
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Shayne Ward
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