Voica Radescu und Dis Person-Info 

( Ich bin Voica Radescu)
(1 - 23 von 27

Impact of the LHeC data on PDFs - Voica Radescu DIS Newport News...

Voica Radescu DIS Newport News 1 Impact of the LHeC data on PDFs DIS Workshop Newport News April Voica Radescu Heidelberg Physikalisches Institut...

Workshop on Precision Measurements of alpha_S ( Februar 2011):...

Presented by Voica RADESCU . alpha_S from DIS Review. Session: DIS and Global Fits I. Presented by Claudia GLASMAN on at 8:30. alpha_S from DIS ...

APS APS April Meeting - Event - QCD results from NuTeV and...

Voica Radescu (University of Pittsburgh). NuTeV is a precision Neutrino-Nucleon DIS experiment that took place at Fermilab in the


Latest Developments with Parton Distributions Functions Dr. Voica Radescu (DESY Hamburg). In the era of searching for new discoveries, it is crucial to achieve ...