Debra Wakeley Epps Person-Info 

( Ich bin Debra Wakeley Epps)


(1 - 4 von 20
) Gedenken an 9/11: Tränen einer Nation - DER SPIEGEL

Es war der Tag der großen Trauer: Mit Schweigeminuten und der Verlesung der Opfernamen haben die USA den zehnten Jahrestag der Anschläge begangen....

US marks anniversary with resolve, tears and hope -...
Americans commemorated on Monday with tear-streaked tributes, a presidential warning to …ists and appeals from victims' relatives for unity and hope...

U.S. marks anniversary; Trump to mark it at Pa. memorial |...
Americans are commemorating with somber tributes, volunteer projects and a new monument to victims, after a year when two attacks demonstrated the...

9/11 Family Member Honors Brother, Thanks Nation for Support| Latest...
▶ 1:58▶ 1:58Debra Epps lost brother on Sept , :57 - Debra Epps lost brother on Sept Fox Business ...
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