War Hawk und Democrats Person-Info 

( Ich bin War Hawk)
(1 - 10 von 10

Paul: Hillary Clinton a 'war hawk' | McClatchy DC

Hillary Clinton is a “war hawk,” Sen. Rand Paul said Sunday, as he warned that image will hurt Democrats’ chances in

Rand Paul Calls "Gung Ho" Hillary a War Hawk

Senator Rand Paul (shown) has not yet announced he's running for president, but he is all but daring the Democrats to nominate "war hawk" ...

Rand Paul: Bring on "war hawk" Hillary Clinton in CBS News

Republicans are usually seen as more aggressive on national security than Democrats, but that could change in the next presidential race, Kentucky senator says

Rand Paul: 'War Hawk' Hillary Clinton Will Transform Race

The race for the White House will be transformational if the Democrats put forward a war hawk like Hillary Clinton, Sen. Rand Paul said on NBC.