Yasir Abbas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yasir Abbas)


(1 - 4 von 32

PNS Mehran attack Bodies of Navy, Rangers men arrive

[The Express Tribune] - The families of Lieutenant Yasir Abbas and Rangers Khalil Ahmad and Muhammad Akhtar were waiting at the airport late on Monday night. Ahmad was from Shakargarh and Akhtar from Narowal. Lt Abbas's funeral will be held at his residence today at House 274

Ethiopia Dam: Talks break down between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt - CNN

"We cannot continue this vicious cycle of circular talks indefinitely," Sudanese irrigation minister Yasir Abbas said in a statement. However ...

Sudan, Hedasi Baraji Müzakerelerinin Yöntemi Degistirilmezse ...beyazgazete.com › haber › sudan-hedasi-baraji-muz...

vor 22 Stunden · Sudan Su Kaynaklari ve Sulama Bakani Yasir Abbas, Etiyopya'nin Nil Nehri'nde insa ettigi Hedasi Baraji'yla ilgili görüsmelerde önceki ...
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