Edith Zúñiga Rubio Person-Info 

( Ich bin Edith Zúñiga Rubio)


Crusader News | Edith Rubio

“Well, when I was 4, at Meade Lake, I rode my bike down a hill and stabbed my stomach with the handlebars. No one was around to see, but my mom got me in a lot...

Dolphin inspires reluctant 7-year-old to walk with new prosthetics

"So proud of her," Edith Rubio said. "Because we waited so long, it was two years after she'd been sick, we thought she was not going to walk.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Edith Zúñiga Rubio
Edith Rubio
Sebastian Rubio
Vorname "Zúñiga" (2)
Name "Rubio" (3683)
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