Zoltan Takacs Person-Info 

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Zoltan Takacs' Post. View profile for Zoltan Takacs · Zoltan Takacs. European Senior Brand Manager - Orthopaedic Instruments at Stryker.

Snake venom is a boon in search for life-saving drugs | CNN

Scientists and researchers like Zoltan Takacs are increasingly turning to nature -- including snake venom -- to find your next medication.

Zoltan Takacs: Rey serpiente | La República

Ha recorrido 147 países en busca del veneno de las víboras más letales. El científico y explorador estadounidense estuvo en la...

National Geographic goes live with a series of events.AZCentral

— “Deadliest Lifesavers” with biomedical scientist Zoltan Takacs gets things started on Feb. 7. In March photographer Peter McBride and writer ...
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