Lembit Öpik Mp Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lembit Öpik Mp)


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There’s more to Lib Dems than Lembit’s libido | The Times

One year after his predecessor’s downfall, it isn’t all bad news for Ming

BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | Öpik and Lloyd to marry

Weather presenter Siân Lloyd is to marry mid Wales MP Lembit Öpik next year, the couple announce.

Guardian: Lembit Öpik and Cheeky Girl Gabriela Irimia: life through a lens |...

Lembit Öpik, the Liberal Democrats' housing spokesman, has split up with his fiancee, Gabriela Irimia of the Cheeky Girls, according to reports. We look back...

Motorcycle taxis face ban - Telegraph

London traffic-beaters are outlawed in new legislation.
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Lembit Opik
Vorname "Lembit" (15)
Name "Öpik Mp" (1)
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