News Aicha Said Ahmed

(1 - 30 von 61
) The Gaza Surf Club: Catching Waves in a War Zone - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Dorian Paskowitz brought surfing to Israel in and in he did the same for the Gaza Strip, bringing a batch of surfboards into the war torn region....

Interview mit Imam Said Ahmed Arif Leipziger Internet › leben › gesellschaft › › interview-mit-imam-sa...
Was glauben Muslime? Die Frage ist zu pauschal. Es gibt im Islam viele Strömungen. Im Bahnhofcafé traf ich Iman Said Ahmed Arif von der ...

Taz: Arzt in Kairo verhaftet und gefoltert: Dem Willkürregime ausgeliefert...

Der ägyptische Arzt Ahmed Said lebt seit Jahren in Deutschland. Weil er in Kairo an einer Mahnwache teilnahm, sitzt er dort jetzt in Haft.

Facebook slow to fight COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on platform,...
Facebook shelved employee ideas to combat COVID-19 vaccine misinformation in the spring, critics say. But the company has said it has made “considerable...

In documents, Facebook ignored anti-misinformation › news › oct › in-docume...
vor 7 Tagen · ... to get high engagement -- and ultimately profit -- off anti-vaccine comments, said Ahmed of the Center for Countering Digital Hate.

Muslim men detained after in NY, NJ want amends, justice › story › news › › muslims-detaine...
vor 6 Tagen · “We went to the Passaic County Jail and said, 'We're here to visit so-and-so,' ” said Ahmed. “As soon as we met them, they said, 'There are a ...

Facebook froze on anti-vaccine comments | The Canberra › News › Latest News
vor 7 Tagen · ... to get high engagement - and ultimately profit - off anti-vaccine comments, said Ahmed of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate.

Obituary: Anis Ahmed, 78, was a military veteran, charming host and...
“He was always looking at the bright side of things,” said Ahmed's brother-in-law, F.B. Ali. “It's sad not to have him around.” “He had a very ...

Said Ahmed: Ongelmat Suomessa houkuttavat lähtemään Syyriaan -...
Syyriaan taistelemaan lähteneitä yhdistävät monesti pitkäaikaistyöttömyys, asunnottomuus, alhainen koulutustaso, rikollinen tausta ja aiemmat päihdeongelmat.

Erster Schritt in die Zukunft: Said Ahmed und Khadar Mahdi › moers › c-ueberregionales › erster-schritt-in-...
Said Ahmed und Khadar Mahdi Muhumed wollen sich für die Hilfe der vhs Moers – Kamp-Lintfort und des Fördervereines der vhs bedanken.

Protesters demand link road to villages cut off by CPEC project -...
vor 2 Stunden · Khan CPEC road,” said Kareem Nawaz. After the route becomes operational, the villagers would not be able to go to other areas, said Ahmed Khan, ...

Ensimmäinen pakolaistaustainen puoluejohtoon Suomessa - Said Ahmed,...
Vasemmistoliitto valitsi puoluejohtoonsa historiamme ensimmäisen kerran pakolaistaustaisen jäsenen Suldaan Said Ahmedin.

Vasemmistoliiton Said Ahmed: Haluan olla esikuva...
Vasemmistoliiton puoluevaltuuston varapuheenjohtajaksi valittu somalialaistaustainen Suldaan Said Ahmed, 23, haluaa olla esimerkkinä maahanmuuttajanuorille ja...

Er norsk statsborger og har gyldig visum, men...: Norske Said Ahmed...
Said Ahmed og familien hadde sjekket inn, steget om bord i flyet og plassert ipaden i fanget til barna. Så ble de bedt om å forlate flyet og reise hjem igjen. Suldaan Said Ahmed sai yritykset auttamaan pakolaisia – tulossa

Aikanaan itsekin pakolaisena Suomeen saapunut Suldaan Said Ahmed haastoi yritykset auttamaan vastaanottokeskuksiin saapuvia ihmisiä. Lukuisat yritykset...

Kabir Ahmed, the Derby jihadi, claimed he would 'sacrifice my...
Man suspected of killing eight in Iraq truck bomb said he decided to fight jihad abroad while serving a jail term for anti-gay hate crime

Takeaway worker ignores 'armed robber pointing a GUN' to serve...
Said Ahmed calmly continued to prepare a chicken kebab for another man in the shop and so the defeated attacker turns on his heels and walks out

Biconomy drives more than 12,000 new token holders through › Markets › Cryptocurrency
vor 5 Tagen · The completion of Biconomy's public token sale builds upon the great year Biconomy has had so far, said Ahmed Al-Balaghi, CEO of Biconomy.

Räuber? Einfach ignorieren - News Panorama: Vermischtes -...
In Neuseeland reagiert der Ladenbesitzer Said Ahmed sehr cool auf einen Raubüberfall. Und hat Erfolg.

Injury-hit Ahmed Musa not training Africa Cup of Nations...
CSKA Moscow forward Ahmed Musa could be a major injury concern for Nigeria for Wednesday’s AFCON clash against Sudan after he skipped training on Sunday.

Nürnberg: Moscheebau: Gemeinde wirbt um Toleranz - Nürnberg -...
Nürnberg - Mit einer Ausstellung will die Ahmadiyya-Muslim-Gemeinde in Nürnberg ihren Glauben bekannter machen – und zugleich Verständnis wecken bei den...

Khadija-Moschee in Pankow : Muslime sollen Integration von...
Imam Said Ahmed Arif im Gespräch mit dem Leiter der Polizeidirektion 1, Bernhard Kufka, und einer weiteren Polizistin.Foto: Qasim Unger/ ...

Ahmed Said | KSC Lokeren OV | Spielerprofil - kicker
Ahmed Said - Das Profil, alle Daten, Statistiken und News zum Spieler - kicker

Berlins boxender DJ Said Ahmed: Dampf in den Fäusten und › artikel-archiv › berlins-boxender-dj-said-ahmed-...
Berlin – Said Ahmed, 27, kann sich einfach nicht entscheiden. Der Deutsche Vizemeister im Bantamgewicht ist Berlins bester Amateurboxer, ... Afghan Mercenaries Fighting for Assad and Stuck in Syria - SPIEGEL...

Syrian dictator Bashar Assad is running out of soldiers and is forced to rely on mercenaries in his ongoing battle against rebels. Many of his foreign fighters...

Leipziger Internet Zeitung: Moscheebau in Gohlis: Ein Interview mit...
Seit dem 3. Mai ist die Diskussion rings um den Moscheebau in Gohlis wieder aufgeflammt. Weniger, weil die Ahmadiyya-Gemeinde selbst Anlass dazu gegeben hätte,...

Itä-Helsingin ostoskeskuksissa vilinää koronasta huolimatta
Kaupunginvaltuutettu Suldaan Said Ahmed on huolissaan siitä, että muun muassa somalit kokoontuvat rajoituksista huolimatta Itiksen ja Puhoksen kauppakeskuksiin. Tukholmassa koronavirus on tappanut useita somalitaustaisia › kaupunki › art

Suldaan Said Ahmed Kuva: Martti Kainulainen. Said Ahmed on huolissaan siitä, että ostoskeskuksen maahanmuuttajayhteisö ”on jatkanut ...

Guardian: Takeaway owner, confronted by armed robber, serves another customer...

Said Ahmed tells how he ignored pistol-wielding masked man, continued making a large chicken souvlaki for someone else, then turned and walked away

Suldaan Said Ahmed becomes Finland's first Somali-born MP - › Uutiset › News
· Helsinki city councillor Suldaan Said Ahmed (Left) will become Finland's first Somali-background Member of Parliament when he replaces ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Aicha Said Ahmed
Hannelore Falk
Person "Ahmed" (8)
Vorname "Said" (3306)
Name "Ahmed" (4755)