News Alexandros Stamatiou

(1 - 16 von 17
) Griechenland: Freispruch für Fotoreporter | Telepolis

Gericht setzt Schlusspunkt unter ein seltsames Verständnis der Polizei zur Pressefreiheit

Fotos: Elecciones Grecia 2015: Jornada electoral en Grecia |...
Europa pendiente de los resultados

СИРИЗА лидирует на досрочных парламентских выборах в Греции – Мир –...
В Греции завершились досрочные парламентские выборы. По данным экзит-поллов, за партию СИРИЗА проголосовали более 39% избирателей. В штабе партии считают, что...

Special Report: The man who cost Greece billions | Reuters
Once again Alexis Tsipras was struggling to make a decision. For hours on July 13, the Greek prime minister and Europe's leaders had been trying to thrash out...

'Crunch time' for Neorion shipyard on Syros; interest by 3...
Three strategic investors with a presumed interest in the troubled Neorion shipyard on the island of Syros were cited last week during a ministerial-level...

Yorgos Karahalis Profile | The Wider Image | Reuters
Reuters photographer Yorgos Karahalis profile: “I want to create a good picture that catches the eye and forces the viewer to look deeper, to read the text of...

... Alpha Iota Chapter, awarded its Undergraduate Achievement Award to Alexandros Stamatiou '17, current chapter president, at a gathering in ...

News & Events
... April 26, the Theology Honor Society, Theta Alpha Kappa, Alpha Iota Chapter, awarded its Undergraduate Achievement Award to Alexandros Stamatiou '17, ...

Reports: Onex group close to deal for Syros shipyard; US envoy refers...
The US ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt, on Friday referred to the pending transfer, as he said, of the Neorion group shipyard on the Cyclades island of...

ΟΗΕ: Στο χείλος αυτοπροκληθείσας ανθρωπιστικής καταστροφής η Ευρώπη...
Η Ευρώπη βρίσκεται στο χείλος μεγάλης αυτοπροκληθείσας ανθρωπιστικής κρίσης, προειδοποιεί σε ανακοίνωσή της η Υπατη Αρμοστεία του ΟΗΕ για τους Πρόσφυγες.

Pressefreiheit in Griechenland - Investigativ-Journalist erhebt...
Zugangsverbote, Festnahmen, Klagen: Während der griechischen Wirtschaftskrise hat sich die Lage für Journalisten im Land verschlechtert. Nun sorgt der Chef der...

Negotiations over proposed sale of Syros shipyard at the end of Oct.
Negotiations between the Onex group and the Greek government over the purchase of the troubled Syros shipyard are expected to begin at the end of the month,...

Postlane Partners withdraws interest for Neorion shipyards
Postlane Partners this week withdrew its bid for the Neorion shipyards on the Cyclades island of Syros, thereby leaving only one offer on the table for the...

balkans-volos 'dragon dreams here'
taf / the art foundation - gallery bar shop

Ενταση στη Μυτιλήνη -Πρόσφυγες ζητούν να φύγουν για Αθήνα | ΕΛΛΑΔΑ |...
Την κεντρική πύλη του κέντρου φιλοξενίας στη Μυτιλήνη κατάλαβαν για λίγη ώρα οι μετανάστες και οι πρόσφυγες που διεκδικούν την άμεση απελευθέρωση τους και την...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Alexandros Stamatiou
Dimitrios Stamatiou
Vorname "Alexandros" (932)
Name "Stamatiou" (27)