News Andrés Jaque

(1 - 30 von 37

Andrés Jaque. El reciclaje como hábito | EL PAÍS Semanal
El invento de un ecosistema natural de tubos y plantas para depurar agua de las alcantarillas de Nueva York lanzó a la fama a Andrés Jaque, arquitecto...

Andrés Jaque: «El reto es crear una red de lugares que conecte a los...
Andrés Jaque, uno de los «jóvenes» arquitectos con mayor presencia dentro y fuera de España, diseñará los espacios, cafés, dedicados al culto al club blanco a...

NZZ: Baukunst und Politik | NZZ

Der 43-jährige Spanier Andrés Jaque steht für ein neues Architekturverständnis. Gebäude konstruieren für ihn die Gesellschaft. Brigitte Kramer sprach mit ihm...

Verleihung des 10. Friedrich Kiesler-Preises an Andrés Jaque | PID...
Der spanische Architekt wurde gestern, Donnerstag, mit dem wichtigsten Kunst- und Architekturpreis Österreichs ausgezeichnet

A conversation with Andrés Jaque. "PAST, PRESENT › news › a-conversation-andre...
During the 1st, 3rd and 4th of July each of the three interviews were presented in the company of Andrés Jaque, founder of Office for Political ...

Andrés Jaque hará para el MoMA una máquina ecológica de purificar...
El arquitecto gana el prestigioso concurso de arquitectura efímera del PS1 de Queens, en Nueva York

Andrés Jaque, nominado a los premios del Museo del Diseño de Londres
«IKEA Disobedients», compuesta por una instalación y una performance, se expuso en el MoMA de Nueva York, que después la adquirió

Andrés Jaque erhält Friedrich Kiesler-Preis | PID Presse- und...
Spanischer Architekt erhält renommierten, mit Euro dotierten Architekturpreis

Andrés Jaque and Nina Power on gender | Event | Royal › event › andres-jaqu...
Architect Andrés Jaque and philosopher Nina Power explore how the aesthetics of architecture are shaped in response to gender issues.

Microespacio para Andrés Jaque | Economía | Cinco Días
El finalista del Mies Van der Rohe de arquitectura apuesta por la especialización política.

Andrés Jaque on Queering Architecture - SCI-Arc
Andrés Jaque is the founder of Office for Political Innovation, a New York-based research firm that addresses architecture's role in the formation ...

Andrés Jaque obtiene el León de Plata en la Bienal de Arquitectura de...
La propuesta del madrileño presenta de manera crítica cómo los medios logran ocupar otros espacios sociales , destaca el jurado

Conversation | Architect Andrés Jaque with Beatrice Galilee,...
Conversation | Architect Andrés Jaque with Beatrice Galilee, Associate Curator of Architecture and Design at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

El seminario 'chill-out' | El Viajero | EL PAÍS
El seminario chill-out . Rehabilitaciones futuristas, jóvenes chefs que deconstruyen el pimentón y relieves picantes en la catedral. A punto de que florezcan...

Andrés Jaque/Office for Political Innovation wins MoMA PS1's Young...
Andres Jaque/Office for Political Innovation has been announced as the winner of the 16th edition of the annual Young Architects Program ...

Andrés Jaque/Office wins YAP with “Cosmo"
Bustler is all about architecture and architecture-related competitions and events.

Archinect News Articles tagged "andres jaque"
The Archinect News offers the architecture industry a comprehensive overview of the latest issues in architecture and design.

THESIS LECTURE SERIES: Andrés Jaque | The Cooper Union
The Cooper Union, open since 1859, grants degrees in art, architecture and engineering and offers courses in continuing education in New York City's East...

POSTPONED TO FALL 2020: Andrés Jaque: Superpowers of › events › lectures › andrés-jaqu...
Andrés Jaque is an architect, writer, and curator internationally known as one of the initiators of interscalar and transmedium approaches to ...

Developed by architect Andrés Jaque and the Office for Political Innovation, »SUPERPOWERS OF TEN« is an operatic, large-scale performance.

Andrés Jaque Named MoMA PS1’s Young Architect Program Winner |...
MoMA PS1 names Andrés Jaque the winner of this year’s Young Architects Program

Andrés Jaque: Escaravox - Domus
Two mobile structures reprogram unattended rural infrastructure as a

COSMO by Andrés Jaque/Office for Political Innovation | Princeton...
Join us for a lecture by Andrés Jaque (Princeton, Architecture; Office for Political Innovation), with comments by D. Graham Burnett (Princeton, ...

PHANTOM: Mies as Rendered Society by Andrés Jaque › events › phantom-mies-as-rende...
PHANTOM. Mies as Rendered Society is a provocative site-specific intervention developed by Andrés Jaque for the Ludwig Mies van der ...

Fuensanta Nieto + Enrique Sobejano, Andrés Jaque, Jane Priestman, and...
At the start of every week, we highlight some of the most recent news in competition-winning projects, commissions, awards, shortlists, and events on Bustler...

UCLA Happenings - Andrés Jaque - April 16, 2018
Listing of performing arts, museums and galleries, films, exhibitions, lectures, and athletic events open to the entire community. Check it out.

Andrés Jaque: No puede haber éxito sin riesgo, sino con muchos...
El arquitecto Andrés Jaque y el también arquitecto y diseñador Borja García, fueron los protagonistas del segundo ciclo Friends of Talent.

Archivmeldung: Verleihung des 10. Friedrich Kiesler-Preises an Andrés...
Oktober um 12 Uhr mittags die feierliche Verleihung des ...