News Angel Pérez-Angulo Martínez

(1 - 5 von 7
) Angel Pérez de Leza - DER SPIEGEL

Angel Pérez de Leza, 54, spanischer Millionär und Fremdenverkehrsunternehmer, der zur Zeit ein neues Touristenzentrum an der Mittelmeerküste seines...

Baby Delivered by Brain-Dead Mother on Life Support for 54 Days...
The baby who was born to a brain-dead woman on life support has finally left the hospital and is now in his new home with his maternal grandparents.

Ángel Pérez en EL PAÍS
Todas las noticias sobre Ángel Pérez publicadas en EL PAÍS. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Ángel Pérez.

Angel Perez, born to brain-dead mom Karla, leaves Omaha Hospital |...
Angel Perez, who was born in April after his brain-dead mom, Karla Perez, 22, was kept on life support for seven weeks so her son could develop and survive has...

A tale of 2 priests: Woodburn priest, best friend from seminary face...
The Rev. Angel Perez and the Rev. Uriel Ojeda are accused of crimes 500 miles apart that could ultimately send them to prison and jeopardize the collars that...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Angel Pérez-Angulo Martínez
Vorname "Angel" (4811)
Name "Pérez-Angulo..." (1)