News Ardian Arifaj

(1 - 30 von 37
) Kosovo-Grenzstreit: Machtprobe an der Schmuggelgrenze - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Es geht um mehr als zwei Grenzstationen: um die Kontrolle des Nordkosovo, um den Zugang des jungen Staates zu den Transitstrecken. Der Versuch, Tatsachen zu...

Taz: Parlamentswahl im Kosovo: Ruhige Atmosphäre als größter Erfolg -...

Im jüngsten Staat Europas hat eine ganz normale Wahl stattgefunden. Die Partei des Ministerpräsidenten Hashim Thaçi gewinnt erneut.

“El cambio en Kosovo se puede alcanzar con pequeños proyectos” |...
Robert Wilton lleva una década en los Balcanes. Actualmente promueve programas de salud y educación en un distrito kosovar con mayoría gitana

Kosovo marks fifth year of independence from Serbia - BBC News
The Republic of Kosovo is marking five years since its controversial decision to break from Serbia.

Prosecutor cites ‘compelling’ signs of Kosovo organ-harvesting...
Investigation has also largely confirmed reports of a campaign of persecution of Serb, Roma and other minorities by some people in the rebel Kosovo Liberation...

Arifaj: Qeveria të formohet sa më shpejtë, s’duhet të ketë vonesa në...
Partitë politike në Kosovë duhet ta formojnë shpejtë Qeverinë në mënyrë që mos të ketë vonesa për aspiratat e Kosovës për hyrjen në BE e NATO. Kështu ka...

Serbia says it will arrest Kosovo minister if he goes to Belgrade › article
· One of his advisers, Ardian Arifaj, told Reuters: “Thaci has received the invitation and is ready to go. Now it depends on the Belgrade ...

Guardian: 'At first, we felt hopeful. God, how wrong we were' | World ...

Ardian Arifaj is an editor of Koha Ditore, an Albanian daily newspaper which was published in Pristina until it was shut down last week.

An Albanian Newspaper Is Reborn - Nieman Reports
Covering thought leadership in journalism

Ardian Arifaj - › etiketa › ardian-arifaj
Ardian Arifaj. “Zgjedhjet në Kosovë shembull për rajonin”, Arifaj: Kurtin e penalizoi arroganca. schedule13: Nëntor,

Taz: Road-Trip durch Kosovo: Unter Ausgegrenzten -

Serben sollen in Serbien leben, Albaner in Kosovo. Dazu muss man nur die Grenzen verschieben. So lautet der Plan. Was sagen die Betroffenen?

Why Kosovo's opposition MPs are tear-gassing parliament - BBC News
· Ardian Arifaj, a political adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, says the agreement with Serbia is being used as a pretext to ...

Trump, the pushy peacemaker, urges Serbia and Kosovo to settle old...
With a peace process in the Korean Peninsula falling apart, the U.S. President wants a compromise he can call his own. In the Balkans, he hopes to find one....

Arifaj: Ka ardhur koha për të vërtetën - Bota Sot
Ardian Arifaj, këshilltar i Presidentit të Kosovës, Hashim Thaçi, ka deklaruar se themelimi i Komisionit për të Vërtetën dhe për Pajtim, i ideuar nga...

West moves to close Kosovo supervisory body | › article
· “The supervision of independence is not ending; this is just the closure of the ICO,” said Ardian Arifaj, senior researcher at the ...

Guardian: Kosovo election fraud suspicions undermine PM's victory claim | World...

More ballots cast than people registered to vote at three polling stations in area loyal to Hashim Thaçi, says election commission source

Ardian Arifaj: Qeveria nuk e ndryshon territorin e Kosovës; kufiri e...
Ardian Arifaj, këshilltar i zëvendëskryeministrit dhe Ministrit të Punëve të Jashtme, Hashim Thaçi, në një intervistë për Klan Kosovën nga Vjena ka folur për ...

Taz: Journalist patzt, Prozess platzt -

Wegen der Enttarnung eines Zeugen im Kriegsverbrecherprozess gegen den ehemaligen UÇK-Führer Ramush Haradinaj steht jetzt ein Journalist vor Gericht

Guardian: Revived daily paper brings exiles hope | World news | The Guardian

Exactly a month after Kosovo's most famous Albanian language daily stopped printing, and its editors and reporters went into hiding or fled for their lives...

Ardian Arifaj: Qeveria nuk e ndryshon territorin e Kosovës - › news › ardian-arifaj-qeveria-nuk-e-ndrysho...
Ardian Arifaj, këshilltar i zëvendëskryeministrit dhe Ministrit të Punëve të Jashtme, Hashim Thaçi, në një intervistë për Klan Kosovën nga Vjena ka folur ...

Ardian Arifaj: Prej dialogut me Serbinë nuk mund të ikë askush, as › rajoni › kosove › › ardia...
· Pjesëmarrësit në takim do të prononcohen për mediat ditën e nesërme, tha analisti Ardian Arifaj në një lidhje të drejtpërdrejtë me Euronews ...

New court to open in The Hague to try Kosovo war crimes —...
New court to open in The Hague to try Kosovo war crimes 17 January 2016, 10:48 CET — filed under: court , Kosovo ... But Ardian Arifaj, ...

Serbia eyes 'historic reconciliation' with Kosovo — |...
... Thaci's international credibility was harmed and he aims at Brussels accepting him as a partner," political analyst Ardian Arifaj of the Foreign Policy

"Seat of special court for KLA crimes to be in Pristina" -...
Latest Serbia news in English, latest Kosovo news in English, Serbian economy news, Serbian business news, Serbian politics news, Balkan regional news in...

Ambasadori i Kosovës viziton Komandant Sokolin në Burgun e Shutkës
Ardian Arifaj, këshilltar i zëvendëskryeministrit dhe ministrit të Punëve të Jashtme të Kosovës, Hashim Thaçi informoi se sot u mundësohet ...

Working visit of a delegation from Kosovo to Greece, :...
Γνώση πριν απο τη Δράση

Journalists From Kosovo Get Respite From Strife - Los Angeles Times
War: L.A. stop is part of quick coast-to-coast tour discussing conflict in Balkans with academics, media and U.S. officials.

Letter from Kosovo: disarray in the heart of the Balkans
Kosovo has been without a government since the inconclusive general election six months ago; yet the remarkable thing is how little difference this has made....

Arifaj: Nema tajnih razgovora i sporazuma | Spor Srbije i Kosova...
· Ardian Arifaj, savjetnik predsjednika Kosova Hashima Thacija, izjavio je kako bi sporazum između Srbije i Kosova donio korist i cijeloj ...

Conference: Status of Minority Rights in Kosovo NGO › news › confe...
Ardian Arifaj, Political Advisor at Office of the President, stated that the term “minority” is not used by Kosovo institutions and that 'communities' ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ardian Arifaj
Vorname "Ardian" (331)
Name "Arifaj" (49)