News Assad Ibrahim

(1 - 27 von 43
) Islamischer Staat: US-Justiz klagt Witwe von früherem IS-Finanzchef...

Sie soll an der Geiselnahme der Amerikanerin Kayla Mueller beteiligt gewesen sein: Die US-Staatsanwaltschaft hat Anklage gegen die Frau eines getöteten...

3 girls skipped school to sneak off and join ISIS | CNN
Three teenage girls who set out from a Denver suburb apparently bound for Syria to join …ists are back home after their parents alerted authorities.

Witwe von IS-Führer vor US-Gericht |
Die 25-jährige Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar, auch bekannt als Umm Sayyaf, wurde vorgeworfen, die US-Entwicklungshelferin Kayla Mueller ...

Daesh widow charged over US hostage death - News | Khaleej Times
The widow of late Daesh group financial leader Abu Sayyaf was charged Monday for her alleged role in the death of US aid worker Kayla Muelle...

Iraqi widow of IS leader charged over US hostage Kayla Mueller’s...
Kayla Mueller was abducted when working in Aleppo, Syria and died last year. The woman charged year-old Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar, known as Umm ... Es fehlt: Brunnenstraße ‎158 ‎GmbH"

Widow of Islamic State leader charged in death of American: U.S....
The wife of a deceased Islamic State leader was charged on Monday in federal court in Virginia with conspiracy in the death of American aid worker Kayla...

Guardian: Inside Islamic State: meeting Umm Sayyaf, the most senior female Isis...

Martin Chulov on Umm Sayyaf’s role in helping the CIA hunt for the Isis leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Wife of dead ISIS chief charged over the death of US aid worker Kayla...
Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar, 25, admitted to FBI agents last year that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “owned” Mueller during her captivity

Nisrine Assad-Ibrahim Latest Photos: Current Photogallery, Images,...
Get all the latest Photos, Images, Picture on Nisrine Assad-Ibrahim only on Find all photogalleries, Pics, latest pictures and many more on Nisrine...

Getötete IS-Geisel: USA wollen „Gerechtigkeit für Kayla“ - WELT
Anschuldigungen gegen eine Irakerin: Sie und ihr Mann sollen die junge Amerikanerin Kayla Mueller als Geisel des IS gehalten haben. IS-Chef Al-Baghdadi soll...

Kayla Mueller: Witwe von IS-Führer wegen Tod von Entwicklungshelferin...
Wegen dem Tod der Entwicklungshelferin Kayla Mueller muss sich nun die Witwe eines getöteten IS-Führers vor einem US-Gericht verantworten. Der Angeklagten...

US-Justiz klagt Witwe von ehemaligem IS-Finanzchef an
Die Witwe eines IS-Führers muss sich vor der amerikanischen Justiz verantworten. Ihr wird vorgeworfen, Kayla Mueller festgehalten zu haben.

Teenager aus Denver träumen vom Dschihad
Aktuelle Beträge der Saarbrücker Zeitung.Tagesthemen, Topthemen aus dem In- und Ausland, Polit-News, Interviews und News aus unserem Berliner Büro. Komplott im Harem - DER SPIEGEL

Auf lebenslängliche Zwangsarbeit lautete das Doppelurteil, das unlängst von einem Militärgericht der Vereinigten Arabischen Republik Nassers im syrischen...

Guardian: Female Isis captive reveals role in helping CIA hunt for Baghdadi |...

Umm Sayyaf, sentenced to death in Iraq, tells how she exposed fugitive’s secrets

Result Page 3 for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi news & latest pictures from...
Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar told the FBI that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi "owned" Mueller during her captivity _ISIS_Syria_Jack_01. World ...

Captured Islamic State bride helped CIA in tracking Abu Bakr...
Nisrine Assad Ibrahim had helped the CIA in hunting down Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Charges filed in death of Kayla Mueller
The charges were announced against 25-year-old Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar known as Umm Sayyaf. The complaint says Sayyaf was ...

Daesh widow helped CIA in hunt for Baghdadi | Arab News
LONDON: The captured widow of an Daesh group leader helped the CIA in its hunt for the organization’s elusive leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, a British daily said...

A San Francisco Youth Group wants to restrict the sale of cigarettes...
San Francisco could become the first city in the nation to limit the number of retailers selling tobacco.

Amidst Talk of Militarization, Activists in Syria Vow Non-Violent...
The Friends of Syria group met this weekend in Turkey. The members steered clear of backing opposition appeals for arms. They did agree to pay salaries of...

Widow of Islamic State leader charged over death of US hostage Kayla...
The widow of an Islamic State leader has been charged with conspiracy in the death of US hostage Kayla Mueller. | ITV National News

Wife of Dead ISIL Leader Charged in Death of Kayla Jean Mueller — FBI
The wife of former ISIL leader Abu Sayyaf has been charged for her role in a conspiracy that resulted in the death of American citizen Kayla Jean Mueller.

Wife of senior ISIS figure charged in death of American hostage Kayla...
Iraqi woman was charged for her role in a conspiracy that resulted in the death of Kayla Mueller in February 2015

Wife of senior Isis leader accused in US in death of hostage Kayla...
US federal court brings charges against 25-year-old Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar, wife of Abu Sayyaf.

Wife of IS leader charged over Christian hostage death
The wife of a former senior Islamic State leader has been charged with contributing to the death of a Christian aid worker who was held hostage by the group.

Wife of ISIS leader charged with hostage death - › us-news-world
Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar, also known as Umm Sayyaf, admitted after her capture last May that she and her husband kept Mueller captive ...