Diana Auyeung-Kim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Diana Auyeung-Kim)


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I found my father living on the street - BBC News

Law student and blogger Diana Kim photographed her father's struggle with mental illness when he was living rough on the streets of Hawaii.

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Diana Kim photographing the homeless discovered her dad was among...

Diana Kim, 30, first learnt about photography through her father, who at one time owned a photography studio on the island of Maui where she grew up. But when...

Diana Kim · TheJournal.ie

Woman discovers the homeless man she is photographing is her father. Aug 12th 2015, 3:17 PM 19,339 Views 4 Comments. Diana Kim's father became distant ...
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Vorname "Diana" (29478)
Name "Auyeung-Kim" (1)
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