Ursula Bihl-Kanthak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ursula Bihl-Kanthak)


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Film Review: Ping Pong (3.5 stars) | National Post

If you like sports documentaries but find the athletes too young, Ping Pong is your game

World Ping-Pong Champs Are Still Winners at 89, Even ABC News

Film about World Table Tennis Championship and aging opens this weekend.

Review: Ping Pong: A smashing good time for one and all - The Globe...

A hit at this year’s Hot Docs fest, this sweet documentary about a world table-tennis championship for golden-age players is respectful, humorous and never...

Life or death for the ping pong pensioners | Express Yourself ...www.express.co.uk › Life-or-death...

Women's World Champion 90-year-old Ursula Bihl. Modlich has a collection of 30 silver and 120 gold medals at her home in Houston, Texas, ...
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