Dorin Bofan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dorin Bofan)


(1 - 4 von 14
) Wildlife-Fotos des Jahre Bild SPIEGEL ONLINE -...

Fotostrecke - Bild Wildlife-Fotos des Jahre 2017

Românul Dorin Bofan, câştigător în concursul „Wildlife Photographer...
Fotograful roman Dorin Bofan este unul dintre castigatorii prestigiosului concurs Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2017

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2017
... a damp ancient wood" – Dorin composed his picture, waiting until a break in the clouds yielded this brief moment in a timeless landscape, cloaked in a tapestry of Arctic-alpine vegetation. Splendid isolation: 50 amazing holidays to escape the modern world. Dorin Bofan/Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

Amazing images show the awesome beauty of nature captured for...
The winning images was actually a combination of 147 images and shows the majesty of an iceberg from underwater for the first time
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Vorname "Dorin" (311)
Name "Bofan" (1)
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