Mike Buffham Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Buffham)


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element14 treibt die Raspberry Pi Revolution voran - jetzt neu mit...

Farnell GmbH, . - Raspberry Pi 512 MB ist ab sofort ab Lager von element14 erhältlich - Schnelleres und rasanteres RAM ermöglicht dem…

Soaring costs plague oil sands - The Globe and Mail

Have cast chill over capital investment in the sector, writes PATRICK BRETHOUR

Premier Farnell, Sony, team up to move Raspberry PI ...

— Mike Buffham, Global Head of EDE at Premier Farnell commented: "When it came to reviewing our manufacturing strategy we were always keen to ... ›

Raspberry Pi computer to be made in Wales

— Premier Farnell director Mike Buffham said he was delighted to have found a UK site to produce the device. › ra...
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