Dave Cawsey Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dave Cawsey)


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Handheld Group expandiert in Australien | Handheld Europe,

- Die Handheld Group gab heute die globale Erweiterung ihrer Geschäfte in Zusammenarbeit mit dem australischen Distributor AvanTEC Pty Ltd. bekannt.

Handheld launches the Algiz 10X, a 10-inch rugged tablet Built for...

Handheld Group, a leading manufacturer of rugged mobile computers and smartphones, has announced the launch of its new rugged mobile device for field...

Handheld Group expands its reach into Australia

Led by General Manager and seasoned industry veteran Dave Cawsey, AvanTEC Pty Ltd distributes rugged mobile computers via an extensive partner network...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Dave Cawsey
Vorname "Dave" (7915)
Name "Cawsey" (1)
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