Csaba Dóry Person-Info 

( Ich bin Csaba Dóry)


Intertec Components verstärkt Relais-Kompetenz, Intertec Components...

Intertec Components GmbH, Der auf Relais spezialisierte Distributor Intertec Components aus Freising baut seine Kernkompetenz im Bereich Relais we…

Hungary Youth Trying to Get Over the Big Lie - Los Angeles Times

Joszef Bodor, 24, was lounging Friday morning on the edge of Heroes Square, predicting a bleak future for himself and all of Hungary, when a voice over the...

SOSnews. Web revolution. in SOS electronic /6. Specialized addition...

Csaba Dóry sales representative for German market I ve been working in the area of components for more than 25 years. My previous employers were ...

SOSnews. Webová revolúcia. v SOS electronic /6. Špecializovaná...

Csaba Dóry obchodný zástupca pre nemecký trh V brandži so súčiastkami pracujem už viac ako 25 rokov. Moji predchádzajúci zamestnávatelia boli výrobcovia ...
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Vorname "Csaba" (796)
Name "Dóry" (1)
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