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sehr merkwürdig - Douglas Crockford: Internet Explorer am...
dass ausgerechnet DER Browser der noch gar nicht "draußen" ist bei einem Benchmark als bester abschneidet, bei welchem es um reale, alltags taugliche...

Douglas Crockford Envisions A Post-JavaScript World - Slashdot
JavaScript developer (and JSON proponent) Douglas Crockford recently described "a theoretical post-JavaScript World," according to ... JavaScript-Experte Crockford: "Wir sollten nicht immer noch › Wissen

— Douglas Crockford hat das populäre Datenaustauschformat JSON spezifiziert und mehrere Bücher über JavaScript geschrieben.

JSON and JavaScript with Douglas Crockford - › news › json-and-javascript-with-d...
— While at TXJS — Adam and Wynn caught up with Douglas Crockford, author of both JavaScript: The Good Parts and the JSON spec, ...

The Good Parts • Peter Kröner • Webtechnologie • Archiv
Javascript-Guru Douglas Crockford erklärt, dass nicht alles an Javascript so schlimm ist wie man gemeinhin annimmt, sondern dass man damit durchaus auch arbeiten kann.

New version of JavaScript approved - The H Open: News and Features
Dec 07, · New version of JavaScript approved the JavaScript Object Notation developed by Douglas Crockford has become a component of ECMAScript.

In defence of Douglas Crockford | Hacker News
We will also be removing Douglas Crockford from our keynote speakers list to help make the conference a comfortable environment for all.

This makes sad, as Douglas Crockford said in this recent talk > The...
This makes sad, as Douglas Crockford said in this recent talk. > The prototypal school has a lot of advantages particularly compared to the classical school.

Douglas Crockford, the COO of Minecraft and a Co-Founder of Arduino...
So Coded will open it's doors again in two weeks to welcome the web's finest heads in Hamburg, Germany to talk shop, share ideas and enjoy ...

Interview with Douglas Crockford | Hacker › item
— I think that's a pretty interesting statement from somebody like Douglas Crockford. Not disagreeing; but still .

Crockford On Monads And Gonads
Programming book reviews, programming tutorials,programming news, C#, Ruby, Python,C, C++, PHP, Visual Basic, Computer book reviews, computer history,...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Douglas Crockford
Marius Schulz
Vorname "Douglas" (3227)
Name "Crockford" (28)