News Ekrem Misimi

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Roboten som kan berge norsk matbransje - DN
— Få med deg det som teller – les DN i 4 uker for 1 kr. Prøv nå. Ekrem Misimi. Ekrem Misimi, seniorforsker ved Sintef Ocean. › automatisering

Nationen – distriktenes næringsavis
Nationen er distriktenes næringsavis, og avisens prioriterte stoffområder er næringsliv, landbruk, politikk, samferdsel og EU.

Denne roboten kutter perfekte laksefileter
Sintef vil at mer av fiskeforedlingen skal skje i Norge, og ikke i utlandet.

Guardian: Gribbot robot could take chicken deboning out of human hands

— The team, led by Ekrem Misimi, a research scientist at Sintef, has developed a robot called Gribbot (gribb is Norwegian for vulture). › may

Camera reveals fish quality for improved sorting
Ekrem Misimi, a research scientist at SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, has recently defended his doctoral thesis on accurate ...

Intelligente roboter kan innta landbruket - Nationen
— Ekrem Misimi, seniorforsker i SINTEF, forteller at når mennesker griper ting bruker vi både syn og føling. Mens vi bruker synet vårt til å ... › landbruk

Robots with visual and tactile sensing can prevent tons of food ...Norwegian SciTech News
— ... will increase and in this way you will continue to create value in Norway, says researcher Ekrem Misimi. Photo and video by TYD/SINTEF. › ...

Aquaculture industry News on Engormix
— If sensors took over this job, costs could be cut and Norwegian companies could avoid having to set up shop abroad.Ekrem Misimi,... Source :. › news › t...

­sing Robots to Get More Food From Raw Materials | News |...
"Our aim is to automate absolutely everything we can think of on the food production line," says SINTEF researcher Ekrem Misimi. He says the ...

Bringing fish processing back to Norway - SINTEF
Researchers aim to make it just as economic to process fish in Norway as to send them to China.

Restaurants in China roll out robot waiters and kitchen staff
Restaurants in China are using robot waiters and the use of robots in the country is on the rise

Teaching robots to see and feel - Norwegian SciTech News
— Ekrem Misimi in the lab, where the robot is about to grasp a cherry tomato that it has never seen before. Image: TYD SHOW MORE. › ...

Using robots to get more food from raw materials
Can an industrial robot succeed both at removing the breast …t from a chicken, and at the same time get more out of the raw materials? This is one of the...

Teaching robots to see and feel - Tech XploreTech Xplore
— Ekrem Misimi in the lab, where the robot is about to grasp a cherry ... at the same level as humans in the future," explained Ekrem Misimi, ... › news › 2...

Automating fish sorting
Ekrem Misimi, from SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, has combined machine vision with pattern recognition methods and has fed geometrical descriptions of the