News Emma Freisinger

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Aktuelles bis – Österreichische Botschaft SeoulBMEIA
Emma Freisinger wurde für ihr soziales und humanitäres Engagement geehrt, mit dem sie sich zeitlebens in die koreanische Gesellschaft eingebracht hat.

'한센인의 어머니' 엠마 프라이싱거 여사 입국 60주년
한국의 한센인들을 위해 평생을 봉사해온 엠마 프라이싱거(Emma Freisinger) 여사의 한국 입국 60주년을 맞아 대구대교구장 조환길 대주교와 교구 총대리 장신호 주교 ...

Die HZ Babygalerie Juni Bad HersfeldHersfelder Zeitung
— Emma Freisinger Niederaula. null Surneja Gashi Bebra. null Arian Gropengießer Rotenburg.

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der auf die Ortscaritas, die Kirchenrenovierung und Sr. Emma Freisinger, die in Korea in einer Lepra- station tätig ist, aufgeteilt wurden.

SOUTH KOREA Seoul honours Dr Kang, leper
— Among those present, Sister Emma Freisinger, ​​who has worked for years with the sick, gave Dr Kang a plaque commemorating his work.

법무부, 제15회「세계인의 날」기념식 개최
— 년간 한센병으로 고통받는 환자들의 생명수호와 인권보호를 위해 힘쓴 '사단법인 릴리회 엠마 프라이싱거(Emma Freisinger) 명예회장(올해의

SOUTH KOREA Seoul honours Dr Kang, leper dentist
In 33 years of service, the Catholic doctor has treated more than 15,000 patients for free. Now he is retiring because of old age. He has