Jeffrey Fidacaro Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jeffrey Fidacaro)


(1 - 4 von 37

Nagelprobe für HP-Chefin: HP-Aktionäre zetteln Richtungsstreit an -...
Es wird die erste Nagelprobe für die neue HP-Chefin Meg Whitmann. Heute muss sie Farbe bekennen, ob sie den Konzern in den Vormonaten auf Profit trimmen...

Deal on Apple iPhone dials into China market – The Denver Post
“If Apple can get into the market early, there's a substantial opportunity for them to win subscribers,” said Jeffrey Fidacaro, an analyst with ...

Apple says IPhone 4S preorders top 1 million in single day – The...
Adding Sprint as a carrier has helped boost preorders, said Jeffrey Fidacaro, an analyst at Susquehanna International Group. Sprint, the ...

CDMA iPhone Rumor #5,452,987 |
According to Susquehanna Financial Group analyst Jeffrey Fidacaro, Apple is on track to begin building 3 million CDMA iPhones starting in December. That would...
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Vorname "Jeffrey" (5033)
Name "Fidacaro" (1)
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