Clare Flynn Levy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Clare Flynn Levy)


(1 - 4 von 17

BCC: 'Robust' manufacturing fails to boost UK growth - BBC News
The British Chambers of Commerce says while manufacturing is robust, there are concerns over services.

Guardian: Startup of the year 2014: Essentia Analytics - The Guardian

— The company, founded in March by former fund manager Clare Flynn Levy, develops cloud-based software that empowers human traders to ... › apr

'You make terrible investment decisions when you're tired and grumpy'
New app for fund managers reveals the home truths they don't want to hear

How tech is helping fund managers battle the robots |...
Forget the argument of computers replacing human traders - the new trend is technology helping people find their edge again.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Clare Flynn Levy
Clare Flynn
Vorname "Clare" (1530)
Name "Flynn Levy" (1)
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