Vincent Foix-Cablé Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vincent Foix-Cablé)


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CBBC Newsround | Specials | Election | Vincent Cable MP
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The insider: Vincent Cable’s caught up in Eric Pickle | City &...
be slaughtered Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) say the axeman was local government secretary Eric Pickles, whose department helps fund them along with BIS, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Guardian: Michael White's politicians of the decade: Vincent Cable | Politics |...

In the first of a six-part daily series, the Guardian's political commentator makes the case for the Lib Dems' Treasury spokesman

Vincent Cable is electric
It was fitting that the man whose comparison of Gordon Brown to Mr Bean brought the House down had the last laugh.
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Vorname "Vincent" (8947)
Name "Foix-Cablé" (1)
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