News Frederick Kyalo

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Anthropologists split on what fossil find means about early humans
The other find from the same region was an

New Perspectives on human evolution | Museum für Naturkunde
Dr. Frederick Kyalo Manthi (EBS), National Museums of Kenya • Dr. Faysal Bibi, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Location: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin,

New fossils reveal different theory on human ancestors -
The skull of a female Homo …us -- the first-ever discovery -- suggests the upright ancestors of humans may have been physiologically closer to modern...

Evolution revolution creates stir – The Denver Post
Frederick Kyalo Manthi examinesthe skull of a Homo …us,an early primate consideredan ancestor of modernhumans, Homo sapiens.

globo: G1 > Mundo - NOTÍCIAS - Confundida com rival, primeira-dama queniana...

A primeira-dama do Quênia, Lucy Kibaki, agrediu um funcionário do governo que cometeu o erro de chamá-la pelo nome de uma mulher que muitos dizem ser a …e...

Homo …us was first master of the kitchen: study

Senior Palaeontologist at the National Museum of Kenya, Frederick Kyalo Manthi, carries the remains of a homo …us discovered in

Human family tree is more like rambling rose
Frederick Kyalo Manthi holds the skull of a Homo …us he discovered in near Lake Turkana in Kenya. Surprising fossils dug up in Africa are creating...

Laziness made human ancestors go extinct, suggest scientists |...
An inability to adapt to their changing environment and to develop the best tools could have led to Homo …us going extinct.
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