News Gennady Polikarpov

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E-news update January Focus
Gennady Polikarpov, EEIU Vice-President and Chief Scientist at the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas in Sevastopol , Ukraine , announces ...

Newsletter May 2003
Researchers Gennady Polikarpov and Victoria Tsytsugina, from the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas in Sevastopol, compared the behaviour of aquatic ... Tschernobyl-Folgen: Radioaktivität fördert Würmer-…

12. Apr · Die Studie von Gennady Polikarpov und Victoria Tsytsugina vom Institut für Biologie der Südlichen Meere in Sewastopol könnte eine der ersten direkten Hinweise auf die Folgen von Radioaktivität ...

ricerca: vita … vermi rivela danni chernobyl - › Altro › RI...

La riproduzione per via sessuata infatti - spiega Gennady Polikarpov - consente la selezione naturale che promuove la replicazione solo dei ...

NEWTON - I vermi di Cernobyl hanno cambiato le abitudini …
A queste conclusioni sono arrivati Gennady Polikarpov e Victoria Tsytsugina dell' Istituto di biologia dei mari meridionali di Sevastapol in una ...


Worms that used to reproduce a…ually are now having …. Why should we care? These are worms that were contaminated by radioactivity from the Chernobyl...

Mehr … durch radioaktiven Fallout: Bei Tschernobyl-Würmern...
Gennady Polikarpov vom Institut für Biologie der Südlichen Meere in Sebastopol erklärt die Tendenz hin zum … damit, dass die Tiere sich vor Strahlenschäden ...

Amorous worms reveal effects of Chernobyl | EurekAlert!
According to Ukrainian scientists, worms contaminated with radiation from the Chernobyl fallout have started having … with each other instead of on their...

… life of worms reveals Chernobyl effect | New Scientist

They have started mating with each other instead of on their own – it is rare direct evidence of the effect of radioactive pollution on wildlife
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Name "Polikarpov" (17)