News George Rusu

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George Rusu, bărbatul acuzat că a folosit o dronă lângă aeroportul...
George Rusu in varsta de 38 de ani a fost pus sub acuzare pentru ca a lansat o drona pe un camp din apropierea aeroportului londonez Heathrow, in Ajunul...

Heathrow: Man charged with flying drone near airport - BBC News
George Rusu is accused of using a drone on a field near the runway days after a scare at Gatwick.

Guardian: Man to appear in court for flying drone near Heathrow airport | UK...

George Rusu alleged to have used drone on field near runway on Christmas Eve

Heathrow drone: Man charged with incident near airport just days...
George Rusu allegedly used a drone near a runway at the UK's busiest airport on Christmas Eve

Heathrow drone: George Rusu charged with flying device near airport...
A 38-year-old man has been charged with flying a drone near Heathrow Airport on Christmas Eve, only days after a scare at Gatwick grounded more than 1,

Governor General to Present 39 Decorations for Bravery
On November 6, 2009, Mr. George Rusu risked his life to rescue a woman being attacked by her ex-boyfriend, in Ottawa, Ontario. Mr. Rusu was ...

Mediator Canada George Rusu & Associés in Aldouane - Phones and...
Mediator Canada George Rusu & Associés in Aldouane, New Brunswick: Phones, address, photos, reviews, opening times, products and services Phone Book for Canada

Stiri despre george rusu |
Fostul comandant George Rusu (74 de ani) povesteşte cum în perioada comunistă navigatorii aduceau în vieţile românilor ţigările Kent, whisky şi blugi Levi ...

Bal cu etnobotanice la Colegiul „Nicolae Titulescu“ (UPDATE) |...
Trei elevi de clasa a IX-a au fost internati in stare grava la Spitalul de Copii din Brasov. Tinerii, cu varste cuprinse intre 14 si 16 ani, au inhalat...

Captive Resources buys HealthCare Risk Services, Western Summit |...
Captive Resources L.L.C. on Thursday said it has acquired West Hartford, Conn.-based HealthCare Risk Services L.L.C. and its affiliated wholesale brokerage,...

Captive insurance latest news | Captive Resources hits $1 billion
The consultant to member-owned group captives, Captive Resources, has seen its affiliated captives reach combined premium exceeding $1 billion...

Tenis : Vlad Airinei si George Rusu, campioni judeteni
La sfârsitul saptamânii trecute, în zilele de iulie, pe terenurile de la Complexul Sportiv „Unirea”, s-au desfasurat întrecerile din cadrul ...

Captive insurance latest news | Leadership shuffle at Captive...
Group captive insurance consultant Captive Resources has appointed former Zurich North America CEO Mike Foley to its board of directors

Stabbing victim talks about attack | CBC News
Two and a half weeks after she was brutally attacked and stabbed by her former boyfriend, 47-year-old Brenda Van Leyen says she's on the road to recovery.

Drug store employee recounts vicious attack | CTV News
A 21-year-old drug store employee who risked his life trying to save a woman who was being attacked with a knife in Barrhaven describes the experience as a

Man charged over UK airport drone flight
George Rusu will appear in court amid national focus on rogue flights

Man, 38, charged with drone flying near Heathrow days after scare at...
George Rosu, 38, has been charged with flying a drone near Heathrow Airport on Christmas Eve, days after a scare at Gatwick grounded more than 1,000 flights on...