News Gerhard Muller-Broll

(1 - 18 von 19

Cardinal Gerhard Muller: Pope replaces Vatican's conservative...
Rome (CNN) Pope Francis is replacing the Catholic Church's conservative chief of doctrine, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, amid apparent tensions ...

Abp Gerhard Muller w Warszawie: jeszcze Polska nie zginęła!...
- W dobie neopogaństwa i antyklerykalizmu, których przedstawiciele atakują Kościół i pasterzy Kościoła, Polska nie może ulec tym tendencjom i prądom - mówił...

Archbishop Müller affirms doctrine, pastoral care for divorced |...
In a recent interview with Corriere della Sera, the Vatican's head official on doctrinal matters discussed the importance of personal pastoral care for...

Gerhard Müller : Danksagung : Nordsee-Zeitung
Gerhard Müller : Danksagung (23 Mai 2015) Gerhard Müller * 6. Dezember † 24. April Neuenwalde, im Mai Herzlichen Dank sagen wir allen, die sich in ...

Gerhard Müller : Gedenken : Landeszeitung
Gerhard Müller : Gedenken (12 Januar 2012) Im Alter von 76 Jahren verstarb am 31. Dezember unser ehemaliger Leiter der Betriebskrankenkasse Gerhard Müller …

Verein Selbstständiger Handwerksmeister Porz e. V
Verein Selbstständiger Handwerksmeister Porz e. V

Cardinal Muller had this one important thing to say about the Vatican...
The social teaching of the Church must be applied universally. Cardinal Gerhard Muller, recently sacked by Pope Francis, has spoken out publicly against how...

Marie Collins challenges assertions by top Vatican cardinal
Protection of minors: Cardinal says did not understand Collins’s talk of lack of co-operation

Marie Collins dismisses Cardinal Muller's claim he didn't resist work...
Marie Collins dismisses Cardinal Muller's claim he didn't resist work of child protection commission

Pope removes conservative Vatican doctrine chief - LifeSite
Cardinal Muller, 69, has been steadfast in opposing the liberal interpretation of Amoris Laetitia.

Cardinal Muller makes it clear, nobody, not even a pope, can change...
Cardinal Muller speaks against hyper-liberal interpretation of Amoris Laetitia. Cardinal Gerhard Muller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of...

CathNews - No pope or angel can change communion teaching: Muller
CDF head Cardinal Gerhard Muller, divorce, remarried couples

Doctrinal text looks at increasing harmony among Church groups | The...
'Doctrinal text looks at increasing harmony among Church groups' was written by Jamie O'Brien and published on

With Vatican doctrinal czar, liberation theology pioneer reflects on...
For decades, many liberation theologians globally have lived with a looming possibility: A letter could arrive from the Vatican contesting their work.

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Vatican Alleged to Have Intercepted Synod Book |
A Vatican department allegedly intercepted over a hundred copies of a new book written by five cardinals to prevent it being read by the majority of...