News Gregor Koblmüller

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Arnold-Sommerfeld-Preis an Gregor Koblmüller Aktuelles …
WebGregor Koblmüller ist ein ausgezeichneter Material- und Nanowissenschaftler und hat große Erfahrung im Bereich der Molekularstrahlepitaxie von Halbleiter …

Am letzten Spieltag zum größten Erfolg gestürmt |
1. Klasse Nord: Nach Platz elf in der Hinrunde gelang Arnreit noch der Aufstieg.

CeNS : Sound makes nanowires blink
In a recent publication in Nano Letters, a team of NIM researchers from groups of Hubert Krenner and Achim Wixforth at University of Augsburg and Gregor Koblmüller, Gerhard Abstreiter and Jonathan Finley at the Walter ...

Fördergeld - Millionen für Forscher - München -
Unterstützt werden die LMU-Physiker Alexander Högele, Olaf Hohm und Lode Pollet sowie ihre TU-Kollegen Gregor Koblmüller und Frank Pollmann, außerdem die Mathematiker Konstantinos Panagiotou ...

ERC Consolidator Grants (TUM) Aktuelles  Nanosystems Initiative...
Zwei neue Forschungsvorhaben der NIM-Wissenschaftler PD Dr. Gregor Koblmüller und Prof. Dr. Frank Pollmann an der Technischen ...

Ein Jahr zweite Klasse war genug |
Die Union Arnreit stürmte in der 2. Klasse Nordwest nach einem Fehlstart noch zum Titel.

Arnold Sommerfeld Prize for Gregor Koblmueller News  Nanosystems...
Gregor Koblmüller is an exceptional researcher in the fields of material science and nanotechnology. He has acquired a large expertise in molecular beam epitaxy of semiconductor hetero-structures, analysis of complex nanostructures and in developing novel nano and quantum devices.

Arnold Sommerfeld Prize for Gregor Koblmueller
ウェブPresident Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Hoffmann presented the prize to Gregor Koblmüller at the Hercules Hall of the famous Munich Residence palace in the heart of Munich. Gregor …

Seminar - Dr. Gregor Koblmüller: "Semiconductor nanowiresInstitut for Fysik og Astronomi
Dr. Gregor Koblmüller, Walter Schottky Institut and Physik Department, Technische Universität München (TUM), Garching, Germany, will give a seminar on ... Dr. Gregor Koblmüller, Walter Schottky Institut and Physik Department, Technische Universität München (TUM), Garching, Germany, will give a seminar on ...

Dr. Gregor Koblmüller Sub-Group - TUM
ウェブ2023å¹´10月26æ—¥ · International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-20), Naples, Italy. Jul , G. Koblmüller - Invited Talk. Seoul National University …

BayPAT | Technology offer: silicon chip with integrated laser – light…
Thanks to an ingenious process, the nanowire lasers grow right on a silicon chip, making it possible to produce high-performance photonic components…

Physics Department, TUM |
The newly published results are largely due to a team of scientists who are beginning their careers, under the guidance of Dr. Gregor Koblmüller and other senior researchers, at the frontier of a new field.

Focal Period Workshop on Hot Carrier Dynamics in Advanced Concept...
Date: October , Location: TUM Institute for Advanced Study, a, Garching Organization: (please see here for further information) TUM-IAS Focus Groups Nanoscience for Renewable Energy Sources, Nanophotonics and Quantum Optics, Semiconductor Nanowires. PD Dr. Gregor Koblmüller, Technical University of Munich (contact person, .de)

ERC Consolidator Grants (TUM) News Nanosystems ...
ウェブThe selected projects receive up to 2 million euros in funding from the ERC. PD Dr Gregor Koblmüller. In his ERC-funded research project “Quantum Nanowire Integrated …

Outstanding research – from nanowires to supernovae - TUM
ウェブ2017å¹´12月13æ—¥ · Gregor Koblmüller has been conducting research in the Physics Department and the Walter-Schottky-Institute at TUM since He is also a member …

Physics Department, TUM | Sommerfeld prize 2015
ウェブ2013å¹´12月6æ—¥ · President Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Hoffmann presented the prize to Gregor Koblmüller at the Hercules Hall of the famous Munich Residence palace in the heart of …

Spitzenforschung vom Nanodraht bis zur Supernova - TUM
ウェブ2017å¹´12月13æ—¥ · Privatdozent Dr. Gregor Koblmüller (Physik) In seinem ERC-geförderten Forschungsprojekt „Quantum Nanowire Integrated Photonic Circuits“, kurz: QUANtIC, …

DPG Focussed Session "Heteroepitaxy on Nanopatterned ...Universität Paderborn
AP — Thomas Riedl zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Martin Eickhoff und Dr. Gregor Koblmüller organisiert wird. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Focussed Session liegt ...

Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: A researcher at the UJI generates...
... Jonathan Becker, Alexander Bechtold , Sonja Matich, Markus Döblinger , Max Bichler, Gregor Koblmüller, Jonathan J. Finley, Andrea Bertoni, ...

EventsInstitut for Fysik og Astronomi
Gregor Koblmüller: "Semiconductor nanowires: synthesis, functional properties, and devices". 12 Jun. Monday 12 June 2017, at 12:45. Dr. Gregor Koblmüller ...

Chip mit integriertem Laser |
Ein Durchbruch ist jetzt Forschern an der TU München gelungen: Gregor Koblmüller vom Lehrstuhl für Halbleiter Quanten-Nanosysteme hat ...

Growing nanowire lasers right on a silicon chip
Thanks to an ingenious process, researchers grow nanowire lasers right on a silicon chip, making it possible to produce high-performance photonic components...

Department Physik - Detail - DPG Focussed Session "Heteroepitaxy on...
Dr. Martin Eickhoff und Dr. Gregor Koblmüller organisiert wird. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Focussed Session liegt auf der Herstellung, den ...

Welcome to Engineers Australia Portal
Dr. Gregor Koblmüller from the Technical University of Munich said growing such a structure onto silicon requires tenacious experimentation.

Silicon chip with integrated laser: Light from a nanowire
Scientists at the TU Munich have now succeeded in this endeavor: Dr. Gregor Koblmüller at the Department of Semiconductor ...

News  Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)
The Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities awards the Arnold Sommerfeld Prize to Dr. Gregor Koblmüller (Physik-Department ...

Materials, Physics, and Advanced Device ConceptsUniversité du Luxembourg
Gregor Koblmueller, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. Date de l'événement : mercredi 05 avril : : › news_events

Silicon chip with integrated laser: Light from a nanowireEurekAlert!
AP — Gregor Koblmüller at the Department of Semiconductor Quantum-Nanosystems has, in collaboration with Jonathan Finley, developed a process to ...