News Gregor Pett

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Gas disruptions this winter show Europe market is vulnerable -Uniper...
A recent spate of gas supply disruptions shows that Europe's pipeline infrastructure and storage assets must be kept in shape and better funded, a manager at...

Gas - verlässlich, flexibel und klimafreundlich | Börsen-Zeitung
Perfekter Partner der Energiewende - Versorgungssicherheit gewährleisten und Dekarbonisierung vorantreiben - beides geht mit Gas

Capital lending to gas industry 'imperilled' by energy transition:...
The financial services sector is increasingly concerned about investing in gas sector projects given the growing pressure against fossil fuel developments,...

Weitere Turbulenzen: Gazprom-Aktie: Gas-Branche erwartet ...
— ... ausreichten: "Wir brauchen einfach mehr Gas als aktuell verfügbar, um die Speicher aufzufüllen", sagte Handels-Experte Gregor Pett. › ... › News zu Gazprom PJSC

Energiepreise – sinken die Kosten für Gas und Strom bald wieder?
— Auch für Branchenexperten wie Gregor Pett von Uniper sind solche Preise Neuland. Was sind die Ursachen und was muss passieren, damit die Preise ... › adv › soklingtwirtschaft

Natural Gas Shipments, Mostly From U.S., Ease Europe’s Energy Crunch...
Near the entrance to Rotterdam’s vast harbor in the Netherlands is a specialized port that is offering an alternative to the web of Russian pipelines that

Flame | Knect365, Part of Informa | 14 May ... | Qwoted
Knect365, Part of Informa hosts Flame on 14 May :00am EDT. Location: Hotel Okura, Amsterdam, Ferdinand Bolstraat 333, LH Amsterdam, Netherlands

Gas: Trotz allem positives Fazit -
... erklärt Gregor Pett, Executive Vice President Market Analytics, Market Solutions, Digital Trading Development and Operations bei Uniper. › news › gas-trotz-allem-positives-fazit

Zukunft Gas: positives Fazit nach herausforderndem Jahr -
... Speicher sowie Pipeline- und LNG-Transportinfrastruktur sind entscheidend, um Engpässe auch in Zukunft vermeiden zu können“, erklärt Gregor Pett, ... › energieversorgung › zukunft-gas-p...

FEATURE: European natural gas markets now connected globally: panel |...
The European wholesale market for natural gas has become part of a wider global market for the fuel, and a key driver within it, participants in a panel...

Gas industry takes a relaxed view of turbulence in trade
— Uniper chief analyst Gregor Pett also stressed that he was not unusually nervous about the gas year starting on 1 October. › ...

ESAP Expert Workshop VIII - Event - IEA
— Gregor PETT, Director of Market Operations, Uniper - Ulrik STRIDBÆK, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, Ørsted A/S › events › esap...

European natural gas markets now connected globally: panel
— Completing the panel and the consensus was Uniper's vice-president of market analytics Gregor Pett, who concurred with the other ... › ...

Green Debate Encroaches on Natural Gas Bloomberg Quint
— Gregor Pett, vice president market solutions at the German utility Uniper SE. “Let's be realistic, we all need to go to work. › ...

Gas power plants: Industry denounces gigantic investment ...
— ... for next winter: "We simply need more gas than is currently available to fill up the storage facilities," said trade expert Gregor Pett. › business › 2...

Gas-Branche erwartet weitere Preisturbulenzen und hofft auf Nord...
— ... ausreichten: "Wir brauchen einfach mehr Gas als aktuell verfügbar, um die Speicher aufzufüllen", sagte Handels-Experte Gregor Pett. › News & Analysen › News

Gasbranche fordert Anreize für Kraftwerke und LNG-Terminals
— So jedenfalls äußerten sich Timm Kehler, Vorstand des Branchenverbandes Zukunft Gas, und Gregor Pett, Executive Vice President bei Uniper. › gas › detail

Capital lending to gas industry 'imperilled' by energy transition › capital-lending-to...
· Gregor Pett, a senior official at German utility Uniper, said Thursday the industry recognized the need to act. “The whole industry feels the ...

Gasbranche sieht Turbulenzen im Handel gelassen – energate messenger+
Berlin - Weder das Wirtschaftsministerium noch prominente Marktteilnehmer aus der Branche sehen akuten Handlungsbedarf angesichts der Preisturbulenzen im...

Meldungen zur Gas-Wirtschaft
Meldungen zur deutschen Gas-Wirtschaft und News aus der Branchen - Zukunft Gas informiert.

Jahresbilanz 2021: Gaswirtschaft zieht positives Fazit nach ...
— ... erklärt Gregor Pett, Executive Vice President Market Analytics, Market Solutions, Digital Trading Development and Operations bei Uniper. › news › jahresbilanz

Pure Gasoline Shipments, Largely From U.S., Ease Europe's ...
— ... however it might be an uncomfortable scenario,” stated Gregor Pett, govt vice chairman for market analytics at Uniper. › natu...

Russia relaxes the gas markets - that will not solve the energy ...
— Gregor Pett, Head of Market Analysis at Uniper, Germany's largest natural gas importer, points out that the Russian side has already ... › russia-re...

Von fossil zu erneuerbar: Energiemärkte im Umbruch
— ... Lösch und Carsten Rolle (BDI), Andreas Feicht und Stephanie von Ahlefeldt (BMWi), Fatih Birol und Timur Gül (IEA), Gregor Pett (Uniper). › news › energiemaerkte-im-umbruch