News Grigori Kogan

(1 - 6 von 8

Post-Soviet swingers versus the Kremlin - CNN
I don't know what to do,'" says Lesley's longtime friend Grigori Kogan, a Russian- Israeli software engineer, recalling phone calls with Lesley last February. Lesley and Rybka travelled to Dubai from Thailand in an attempt to lie low. From there, they asked a Canadian member of their movement to reach out ...

First Startup Sabantuy took place in Izhevsk
Startup Sabantuy!, a new interregional project of Kazan IT Park and the Runa Capital venture fund took place in Izhevsk, the capital of the Udmurtskaya...

Sofia Gubaidulina - Musik am 13.
— Fächern Klavier (bei Grigori Kogan) und Komposition und setzte ihr Kompositions- studium bis bei Nikolai Pejko, einem Assistenten von ... › saison

¿Qué consecuencias tendrá el hallazgo del mayor yacimiento ...
— En realidad, nadie sabe cuánto petróleo hay en Wolfcamp. De momento, son reservas no exploradas, señala Grigori Kogan, autor del artículo del ... › Noticias