News Haig Simonian

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) Confidence Man

[] - Weekly Review: Schröder's historic "win-win" gamble has landed the Greens in a "lose-lose" dilemma. News Digest: Beer and Punchlines

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonPoliticians of every stripe gather with supporters in Bavarian beer halls on Ash Wednesday to set off rhetorical fireworks. Also: Deutsche and Dresdner banking on big. News Digest: DER SPIEGEL: The Play

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonThe curtain rises this weekend on Angela Merkel and Konrad Adenauer as Berlin's Deutsche Theater stages "DER SPIEGEL". Also: Kohl collects more millions. News Digest: Jobs and Justice

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonIn the first state election since the CDU scandal broke, voters in Schleswig-Holstein slap the conservatives' wrists and reelect the governing "red-green" coalition. But was it really about Kohlgate? News Digest: Biggest CeBIT Yet

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonChancellor Schröder opens CeBIT, the world's largest information technology fair in Hanover. The buzzword this year: Mobility. News Digest: Dozen Days of Diversion

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonThe 50th Berlin Film Festival opens with Wim Wenders's "The Million Dollar Hotel", providing the capital with a welcome reprieve from Kohlgate. SPIEGEL ONLINE debuts its complete coverage of the Berlinale in English. News Digest: Pressure's on the President

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonAustrian President Thomas Klestil faces a harrowing dilemma as Austria's conservatives and Jörg Haider's far-right Freedom Party present their coalition agreement despite an international outcry. Also: The Kohlgate update. News Digest: Crises 'n' Disasters Unlimited

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonKohlgate has exploded so far and wide, many openly question the survival of Germany's main opposition party, the Christian Democratic Union. Also: "Berlin has blown the Bonn system apart." News Digest: Egon's Gone

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonFormer East German leader Egon Krenz claims he's a victim of "victor's justice" on the day he begins serving his prison sentence for his part in the GDR's shoot-to-kill policy at the Berlin Wall. Also: David Irving: "Holocaust denier"? News Digest: A New CDU or CDU Adieu?

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David Hudson"The Kohl era is over" has become the new mantra of the Christian Democratic Union as it struggles during a closed-door meeting to get back on a steady oppositional track. Also: "Ford and the Führer". News Digest: Golden Fantasia

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonThe 50th International Film Festival in Berlin, opening February 9, will see the launch of the once devastated Potsdamer Platz as a cineast's paradise. Also: Bernhard Wicki, News Digest: Heavy Weather

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonViolent storms claim over 100 lives in western Europe. One of two alpine avalanches kills nine German skiers. As the globe warms, are these merely signs of greater disasters to come? Also: The latest on Kohlgate, Schröder's "radical" reforms and Hitler vs Einstein. News Digest: Innovation and Social Justice

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonChancellor Gerhard Schröder lays the groundwork for two vital meetings next week: The Social Democratic Party (SPD) congress in Berlin and the EU summit in Helsinki. Also: Designated SPD General Secretary Franz Müntefering chats with SPIEGEL ONLINE users. News Digest: Kohlgate

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonHelmut Kohl, regarded as "one of the world's few genuine elder statesmen," admits to funneling cash from secret accounts to local branches of his party. But the Social Democrats call his confession "a disappointment and a deception." News Digest: 20 Years and Still Sinking

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonDespite ho-hum circulation numbers, more than 20 law suits in as many years and the failure to break through to television, the German satirical monthly "Titanic" celebrates itself this Friday in Frankfurt. Also: "Germany Inc." in trouble? News Digest: Reversal of Fortune

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonChancellor Schröder's late night save of the Holzmann construction company makes him a working class hero while former Chancellor Helmut Kohl scrambles to rescue his place in history. News Digest: Reality Cuts

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonThe "red-green" governing coalition, more unpopular than ever, pushes hard in the Bundestag to turn the first half of the severest budget cuts in postwar German history into law. Also: Berlin in New York. News Digest: Stars and Bars

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonAs celebrations of the fall of the Wall begin, George Bush is made an honorary citizen of Berlin while former East German leader Egon Krenz faces six and a half years behind bars. Also: The Wall on the Web. 

Info, Sport, CulturaRSI Radiotelevisione svizzera
Haig Simonian (1./5) · · 11 min. Haig Simonian (1./5) · · 11 min.

Alpine Investment Properties: PressAlpine Property Investments
Extract from "Fringe Value" - By Haig Simonian - Published: January · Extract from "In frosty market, Switzerland Sizzles" By Sara Seddon Kilbinger ... Extract from "Fringe Value" - By Haig Simonian - Published: January · Extract from "In frosty market, Switzerland Sizzles" By Sara Seddon Kilbinger ...

Im Finanzmarkt locken täglich VersuchungenSRF
Die Korrespondenten Haig Simonian und Hans-Jürgen Maurus über das Ausbleiben der versprochenen Selbstkontrolle bei den Banken. Moderation: Cathy Flaviano. Die Korrespondenten Haig Simonian und Hans-Jürgen Maurus über das Ausbleiben der versprochenen Selbstkontrolle bei den Banken. Moderation: Cathy Flaviano.

Jonathan Djanogly: Brexit – geordnet oder chaotischSGA ASPE
... of Parliament Haig Simonian, Journalist und Autor Gerald Hosp, NZZ-Redaktor und Autor des Buches «Brexit: zwischen Wahn und Sinn» Christa Markwalder, [...] ... of Parliament Haig Simonian, Journalist und Autor Gerald Hosp, NZZ-Redaktor und Autor des Buches «Brexit: zwischen Wahn und Sinn» Christa Markwalder, [...] News Digest: "Absolutely Wrong" - SPIEGEL ONLINE

By David Hudson Political leaders and the press in Germany condemn the US Senate's refusal to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Also: Europe's new...

Haig Simonian (Schweiz) Panagiotis Kouparanis (Griechenland) Anne Mailliet (Frankreich) Helga Schmidt (Deutschland) Weitere Informationen. Details ...

Brexit leaves thousands of British expatriates in Switzerland in...
* 41,000 Britons live in Switzerland

der britische Journalist Haig Simonian | Staseve Aktuell › tag=der-britische-journalist-haig-simonian
Köln, 10. Januar (ADN). In Schweden gibt es ein Meinungsbildungskartell. Das ist jetzt im Zusammenhang mit der Flüchtlingskrise offenbar geworden, ...

PHOENIX-Sendeplan, Sonntag,
23. Aug Der Kommunismus - Geschichte einer Illusion 1/3: Sieg der Revolution Film von Meggy Steffens, Christian Weisenborn, Peter Glotz, ...

Haig Simonian - RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera
Haig Simonian - al microfono di Sandra Sain

Schwung für Berlin - Gesundheit - Ratgeber - Tagesspiegel
Der Engländer Haig Simonian, Financial-Time-Chefkorrespondent, sah Amerika und Europa auseinander driften. Gary Smith von der American ...