News Ian Murdock

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) debian-ian-murdock LinkedIn debian-ian-murdock-died.html. Published on December 31, Like Liked ... Debian-Gründer Ian Murdock ist tot | heise online

Die IT-Welt trauert um Ian Murdock, der sich nicht nur als Debian-Gründer für eine basisdemokratische Software-Entwicklung stark gemacht hat. Er starb im Alter...

Ian Murdock -
Ian Murdock -

Death of open-source pioneer Ian Murdock deemed suicide › › death-of...
When open-source software pioneer Ian Murdock died in December, he left behind a host of unanswered questions. Murdock, a former Sun ...

Ian Murdock, padre de Debian e impulsor del software libre, muere a...
Fue jefe tecnológico de la fundación Linux y vicepresidente de Sun Microsystems. Las circunstancias de su fallecimiento no se han aclarado

Ian Murdock, pilier du logiciel libre, est mort – Libération
Le fondateur de Debian, un système d'exploitation libre pour ordinateur, avait 42 ans. Il avait annoncé son suicide sur Twitter et se disait victime de...

Debian Linux Founder Ian Murdock Found Dead In Apparent Suicide...
The open source community has lost a giant contributor this past Monday. His name is Ian Murdock, founder of the Debian Project, which he created while... Debian-Gründer Ian Murdock neuer LSB-Chef | heise online

Ian Murdock wird als neuer Technik-Chef der Free Standards Group alle technischen Initiativen der Organisation sowie die Arbeitsgruppe für die Linux Standard ...

Debian-Gründer: Ian Murdock mit 42 Jahren gestorben -
Der Gründer des Debian-Projekts, Ian Murdock, ist im Alter von 42 Jahren gestorben. Der einflussreiche Informatiker arbeitete unter anderem für Sun an Solaris...

Debian Founder Ian Murdock Has Died - Slashdot
Unknown Lamer writes: It has been confirmed that Debian founder Ian Murdock has died. From the Docker blog:

Linux Community Mourns the Passing of Ian Murdock
Members of the Debian and free software community at-large were shocked and saddened by the sudden passing of Ian Murdock. Murdock, the created started Debian...

Debian founder and Docker employee Ian Murdock has died at 42 |...
Docker today announced that Ian Murdock, a member of the startup’s technical staff and a former Sun and Salesforce employee known for founding the Debian Linux...

FOSDEM Ian Murdock
The Debian Project mourns the loss of community founder Ian Murdock. Ian passed away 28th December, Debian is only a part of his legacy but is ...

Ian Murdock wechselt zu Sun - Pro-Linux
Ian Murdock, Gründer der Debian-Distribution, hat eine Stelle als Leiter für die Betriebssystem-Plattform-Strategie bei Sun angetreten.

Ian Murdock | IT Security News
Contain your Linux, folks Debian daddy Ian Murdock has joined Linux container shop Docker.… Full article:Debian daddy Murdock joins the unstoppable ...

Debian founder Ian Murdock has died at 42 under suspicious...
Ian Murdock, the man who founded the Debian Linux operating system, has died at the age of 42. His death was announced in a blog post by...

Sun and a Solaris revival: Talking with Ian Murdock - CNET
Sun is making a comeback, and Ian Murdock is at its heart.

Debian-Gründer Ian Murdock verstorben - Pro-Linux
Ian Murdock verstarb am 28. Dezember im Alter von 42 Jahren. Er war eine der einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten im Umfeld freier Software.

Video: Ian Murdock über seine Arbeit bei Sun
Seit März arbeitet Ian Murdock bei Sun Microsystems, wo er als Plattform- Stratege an der Open-Source-Front wirkt. Mit Linux-Magazin ...

Ian Murdock beging Suizid - Pro-Linux
Wie nun einem Bericht der Gerichtsmediziner entnommen werden kann, beging der Debian-Gründer und OS-Aktivist, Ian Murdock, Selbstmord. Laut den...

Ian Murdock: Potential Friend to Haiku? – OSnews
Ian Murdock: Potential Friend to Haiku? By Thom Holwerda, submitted by Datatec on :47:56: Bryan Varner, one of the core developers of the stalled port of ...

Details Regarding Ian Murdock's Untimely Passing Remain Scarce -...
Phoronix is the leading technology website for Linux hardware reviews, open-source news, Linux benchmarks, open-source benchmarks, and computer hardware tests.

Ian Murdock ist verstorben - Allmystery
Ian Murdock hat Debian ins Leben gerufen. Seine letzten Tweets findet man nur noch im Archiv da sein Twitter-Account gelöscht wurde:...

Debian GNU/Linux feiert 10. Geburtstag
Am 16. August vor genau 10 Jahren wurde von Ian Murdock das freie Betriebssystem Debian GNU/Linux gestartet. In Debian findet der User eine eher konservative,...

Ian Murdock, Debian Founder, Dies at 42
Ian Murdock created the popular Debian Linux distibution in and helped lay out foundational principles for open source software.

New Details Emerge About Debian Founder Ian Murdock's Death - Phoronix
At the end of last year was the untimely passing of Ian Murdock, the founder of Debian who went on to work for Sun Microsystems during the Project Indiana days...

Happy Birthday Debian - The H Open: News and Features
· Sixteen years ago today, Ian Murdock announced the "imminent completion of a brand-new Linux release". The release was to be called the Debian …

R.I.P Ian Murdock, Founder of Debian Linux, Dies at 42
Ian Murdock, the founder the Debian Linux operating system and the creator of apt-get, has passed away.

Tech world mourns open-source champion Ian Murdock
SAN FRANCISCO — Ian Murdock, a tech entrepreneur and executive best known for founding Debian Linux, one of the most successful ...
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Vorname "Ian" (5924)
Name "Murdock" (149)