News Ilari Pulli

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) Kätilöopiston sairaala: Tyttö Ihmiset |

Harju ja Juha Vasama, Sinikka s. Lahdenperä ja Lauri Ojantakanen, Irma Rajakangas ja Juhani Syvänen, Simone Lettau ja Ilari Pulli, Virpi ja Juha Hartikainen.

De får Kulturfondens bidrag | Åbo Underrättelser
Mottagare av stipendier och bidrag, med hemort Åbo och Åboland.

Transient Receptor Potential Canonical 1 (TRPC1) ...X-MOL
... Ilari Pulli , Veronica Kalhori , Kid Törnquist. The identity of calcium channels in the thyroid is unclear. In human follicular thyroid ML-1 cancer cells Ilari Pulli , Veronica Kalhori , Kid Törnquist. The identity of calcium channels in the thyroid is unclear. In human follicular thyroid ML-1 cancer cells ...

AgroSERV Kick-off meeting in PragueEuro-Bioimaging
— At the kick-off meeting, Euro-BioImaging Bio-Hub Section Director, Antje Keppler, and Coordinator, Ilari Pulli, presented the set of — At the kick-off meeting, Euro-BioImaging Bio-Hub Section Director, Antje Keppler, and Coordinator, Ilari Pulli, presented the set of ...

Doctoral Thesis on Calcium Signaling in Cell CompartmentsÅbo Akademi
— Sc. Ilari Pulli's doctoral thesis in Cell biology will be put forth for public defence at The Faculty of Science and Engineering at Åbo — Sc. Ilari Pulli's doctoral thesis in Cell biology will be put forth for public defence at The Faculty of Science and Engineering at Åbo ...

Spanish Presidency of the EU CouncilEuro-Bioimaging
— Ilari Pulli represented Euro-BioImaging at this event, and Antje Keppler, as ERIC Forum Chair, joined the concluding panel discussion ...