Iris Mauss und Emotion Person-Info 

( Ich bin Iris Mauss)
(1 - 24 von 27

How air travel can turn even mild people into madmen - HT Health
“Sleep deprivation can play a really important role in making people act much more emotional,” said Iris Mauss, a psychology professor at the ...

Making sense of the science behind emotions - The Globe and Mail
The study of emotions was once considered the ultimate “soft” science, but now it is among the hottest areas of academics.

Feeling bad about feeling bad can make you feel worse
fewer negative emotions, which adds up to better psychological health," said study senior author Iris Mauss, an associate professor of psychology at UC Berkeley. At this point, researchers can only speculate on why accepting ...

Psychologie: Wer sich schlecht fühlt, weil er sich schlecht fühlt,...
Wie wir mit negativen Emotionen umgehen, beeinflusst unsere Zufriedenheit. Das zeigt eine Studie amerikanischer Forscher.